By Dexter Harvey
November 11, 2022
[Taken from a power point presentation of Dakota Levi Joseph Powless] Before Marsh Hill Homes Before arriving at Marsh Hill Homes I Dakota Levi Joseph Powless was an aggressive and violent person towards myself and others. At Marsh Hill Homes After coming to Marsh Hill Homes I Dakota Levi Joseph Powless became a calmer and safer person towards myself and others. Sarah After being introduced to Sarah I knew she was here to help me become a better person and if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have a home. Some personality traits that I like about Sarah are: Kindness Loving Supportive Sarah has taught me: Never give up on my dreams to love myself and treat others with respect Doug After being introduced to Doug I knew I had a chance for success. Some personality traits that I like about Doug are: Creative Helpful Thoughtful Doug has taught me: How to build and measure To keep my head held high Margaret After being introduced to Margaret it felt like I had someone to trust. Some personality traits that I like about Margaret are: Humourous Warm Hearted Generous Margaret has taught me: To be able to open up to others To be myself Bobbi-Jo After being introduced to Bobbi-Jo I knew I had someone to help me with my battles. Some personality traits that I like about Bobbi-Jo are: Lively Courageous Patient Bobbi-Jo has taught me: To be more mature especially in tough situations To be able to agree to disagree Rebecca After being introduced to Rebecca I knew she would be a fantastic member to the team. Some personality traits that I like about Rebecca are: Optimistic Supportive Rebecca taught me how to be honest to myself. Alexandra After being introduced to Alexandra I knew I could put all my faith and hope into her and I knew I was safe and had not to be scared anymore. Some personality traits that I like about Alexandra are: Intelligent Funny Trustworthy Honest Alexandra has taught me never be scared of yourself. Derian After being introduced to Derian I knew he would be nonjudgemental. Some personality traits that I like about Derian are: Trusting Entertaining Derian taught me how to dance in different cultures and be myself. Brianna After being introduced to Brianna I knew that she would make me laugh. Some personality traits that I like about Brianna are: Smart Kind Brianna taught me how to be truthful. Andy After being introduced to Andy I knew I could learn more things. Some personality traits that I like about Andy are: Teachable Respectful Andy taught me how to be true to others and myself. Jeron After being introduced to Jeron I knew that he was a good fit to help me through the hardest time. Some personality traits that I like about Jeron are: Curious Interesting Jerson taught me respect. Dana After being introduced to Dana I knew she would make me laugh. Some personality traits that I like about Dana are: Genuine Hilarious Dana taught me self-care. Sabrina After being introduced to Sarah I knew that the magic was in the air (positivity). Some personality traits that I like about Sabrina are: Amusing Musical Sabrina taught me to be fun and young again. Kemi After being introduced to Kemi I knew one day I would be a good cook. Some personality traits that I like about Kemi are: Giving Caring Kemi taught me how to cook better. Anjana After being introduced to Anjana I knew I could trust her. Some personality traits that I like about Anjana are: Upfront Intelligent Anjana taught me how to strive. Ian After being introduced to Ian I knew. Some personality traits that I like about Ian are: Kind Hearted Joyful Ian taught me how to play video games. Colin After being introduced to Colin I knew I could laugh. Some personality traits that I like about Colin are: Confident Straight Forward Colin taught me how to play games. Hussein After being introduced to Hussein I knew he would be interesting. Some personality traits that I like about Hussein are: Straight Forward Intelligent Hussein taught me how to be a man. Colin After being introduced to Colin I knew I could laugh. Some personality traits that I like about Colin are: Confident Straight Forward Colin taught me how to play games. Amanda After being introduced to Amanda I knew that she was a fun person. Some personality traits that I like about Amanda are: Extremely funny Thoughtful Amanda taught me to believe in myself and my abilities to strive. Robertha After being introduced to Robertha I knew she would be knowledgable. Some personality traits that I like about Robertha are: Smart Humourous Robertha taught me more about my culture and to embrace it. Any others that work here To the staff I didn't mention you all show Kindness Warm-Hearted Effort Taught me: Be myself as best as I can Have fun General Thank You To All Staff GENERAL THANK YOU TO ALL THE STAFF FOR THE ALL THE DEDICATION AND HARD WORK YOU ALL PUT IN EVERY DAY TO KEEP THIS WONDERFUL PLACE GOING. US CLIENTS REALLY APPRECIATE THE TIME AND EFFORT TO EACH ACTIVITY AND PLAN YOU EACH HAVE EVERY DAY TO KEEP US BUSY AND NOT BORED.